
Thanks for stopping by... I hope you stay for a few minutes. Grab a cup of whatever gives you comfort and soak in my thoughts on paper (screen, I suppose.) Really, I hope these words will enlighten, inspire and if nothing else, make you stop and ponder... or just laugh and hit the back arrow on your browser. Enjoy.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Who's in my face?

Just a quick little blurb for today... if I were to catch you up to speed on the Family events... my "not so much napping toddler" would probably have an accident in his pants for the 3rd time today... my older two sons would carry on about how I'm always late to the bus stop and my middle son, would, for sure, drag up the old sob story about how he would like a "new" family and could we please drive him to the orphanage.

Oh no, I can't even MAKE this stuff up... keepin' it real, folks!

So while I am busy being mom of the year, OBVIOUSLY, let me just give you a few thoughts to chew on... and I'll be back in full force tomorrow with a continuance...and of course some laugh/spit-up-able recollections from the past few weeks.

So Who's in your face these days?

Because whatever is in your face, you will focus on...and whatever you focus on, you will make bigger in your life, gravitate towards, and turn it into a reality.  Whether it's good, or bad... it's true.

It is probably harder now, than ever before, to control who is in your face.  You can turn on the TV and have over 233 stations of people "in your face."  You can turn on the radio, surf the internet for a MILLION people who can get in your face.

And when they are in your face, they are taken in by your eyes, your brain and your heart.

I think this holiday season it's pretty important to control who's in our line of vision.
Because it's pretty easy to start looking around and realize instead of joy, you've got:

Staring you down, in your grill, grabbing your attention.

Want to know the easiest solution for clearing that clutter out?

Keep your eyes fixed on Jesus.

Yep...really, it's that easy.

You see, when you fix your eyes on the one who has redeemed you, who calls you his Beloved, who is head over heels, absolutely, never-failing, unconditionally in love with you... things start to shift into their place and life gets some perspective.  Remember, you'll gravitate towards what you focus on, right?  So lets keep our eyes steadily focused on Jesus and let the rest fade away.  Our problems get smaller, HE gets bigger and we begin moving towards peace and joy, not all the other "have to do's" that are SOOOOOOO easy to get us bogged down during the season.

And if that wasn't a good enough reason, then how about...

It's His Birthday we're celebrating this season anyway... let him be the birthday boy and get the attention for awhile.   :)

Until tomorrow....  and PS- I was interrupted in the middle of this entry by my youngest.... because he wet his pants....again....

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