
Thanks for stopping by... I hope you stay for a few minutes. Grab a cup of whatever gives you comfort and soak in my thoughts on paper (screen, I suppose.) Really, I hope these words will enlighten, inspire and if nothing else, make you stop and ponder... or just laugh and hit the back arrow on your browser. Enjoy.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

I thought blogging was one big Facebook status update

So this is it... my very first blog post and I actually had to narrow down the dozen of topics I was going to post as my first entry.  This is big, right?  I mean, this blog will be read my mom and husband... we're talking BIG READER BASE so certainly I have to put hours of thought and focus into this, right?  :)

Not that I haven't been in print before but this is what is coming out of MY head, without any editor sending it back for a re-write.  Actually, a scary thought; there are thousands of people just blogging what is in their head; who has time to read other people's thoughts anyway? 

Well, I thought I would treat myself (and you if you are reading this) to my first blog post after I finished writing an article for the website I contribute to.  You see, January is all about resolutions and after having a great, but daunting conversation on New Year's Eve with my husband, I finally came to the realization that I needed to set some goals.  Not resolutions, goals.  And I'm scared to death!  What if I don't set the right goal?  What if I miss the mark?  I could play the fear card all day long but in truth, its just a great distraction from actually sitting down to write goals... and lets face it, why jump into something you don't necessarily want to do, but know is good for you?  You've seen the gym parking lots already... jam packed on January 3rd.  Busiest section of my gym?  The coffee lounge.  A perfect example of not quite "jumping" into the New Year resolution to get fit. 

My husband is the ULTIMATE goal setter; its truly amazing to watch him get jazzed up over this stuff.  I approached the entire topic with about as much enthusiasm as going to the dentist.  I won't get my teeth cleaned without laughing gas and I was pretty sure I didn't want to set goals without taking a hit of nitrous oxide first.  All that being said, I realized goal setting was the same as sitting down to eat an elephant.  You start one bite at a time.

So was it really that I wanted to start goal setting because I know I should?  Maybe.  I definitely got revelation that for the last few years, I haven't done any goal setting and what do you know... I haven't hit any goals either.  Because I know my mom will read this, I must give her credit to the obvious.  Yes, I have 3 boys under the age of 8; yes, I have a traveling husband and yes, we moved away from our hometown 3 years ago but still, shouldn't every person have something they are striving (in a good way) towards?  So I guess you are the lucky (I hope) recipient of my thoughts on screen so that I can achieve my goal of freelance writing but also this blog.  However, you must also know that what actually moved me to begin this journey is reading my hubby's blog post.  (Can you see it?  Hmmmph, if he can, then I can!)  I get it now.  I can't just set the goal, I have to actually DO something about it.  So here I am, at the library as its closing trying to get these words in before they kick me out. 

So seriously, enough of the intro, lets circle back to the title of this blog post and truly call this for what it is... my thoughts, on a screen... period.  For me, I consider it a $25 savings over the cost of not having to sit on a leather couch and tell someone about my very funny life living in middle class America.  By hacking away on the keyboard (I'm sure the word hacking just sent 3 FBI agents across the room to open a file on me) I can avoid the therapist, get some things off my chest and I am hoping, just hoping...to either make you laugh, cry or somewhere in between.  And maybe, just maybe there will be some revelation for you too.

Eight minutes until lockdown here at the public library... better shut down.  Oh, why write at the library?  Have you CALLED my house during the day?  Any vendor, relative, neighbor or solicitor will tell you that its hard to hear my voice when they call... so thinking coherently enough to type while my little love bugs are awake is not an option!

I shared my goal of 2011; to write more...what's yours?

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