
Thanks for stopping by... I hope you stay for a few minutes. Grab a cup of whatever gives you comfort and soak in my thoughts on paper (screen, I suppose.) Really, I hope these words will enlighten, inspire and if nothing else, make you stop and ponder... or just laugh and hit the back arrow on your browser. Enjoy.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

What to give your child for Christmas- Part 1

Raise your hand if you have felt like this the last two weeks.... totally overwhelmed by the sheer volume of advertising that has taken place this Christmas season.  I'm not sure if I make it worse, either, because I am always on the lookout for a good deal.  And, I'm a multi-tasker.  And, I have, once again, committed to try and pull off way too many things.  The results?  Web sites with items in the cart that never get checked out, internet searches that time out, coupons clipped and sitting in my front passenger seat and only 1/4 of my Christmas shopping done.  Good God, I cry out, its already the 10th!  And yet, there are dozens of you that shrug in indifference because you have been done with your Christmas shopping since August 21st. 


But it is overwhelming, isn't it?  So many places to get so many different toys.  I'm always faced with this question each year: Do we satisfy our son's craving and get him another video game?  Or do we stray from the list, getting him something more educational...taking the risk that it might get shoved in the corner of the closet by the month's end.  I love to get my kids gifts that they actually need but I'm learning that too much practical shopping is "sooooo uncool" when it comes time for the kids to return to school and compare their "I got" list with their friends.  I mean, who can win at that game when you got new long underwear and a football lamp for Christmas... even if it was your favorite sports team??

I think the most amazing thing of all is that after a few months, no matter how cool, how popular or even how expensive the new toy is... it fades and loses all of its "hype."  They've mastered every level, built the airship, played and won the game 14 times ... and the gift no longer holds their attention.  Yet we have to hear about how AWESOME it is, how badly they need it and how they can't live without it for the four months leading up to Christmas.  It reminds me of 1 Corinthians 9:24 where it says that an "athlete trains hard for his race, he's after the shiny gold medal but that it too, tarnishes and fades over time."  And most presents do that, don't they?  In fact, I am hard pressed to look around in my home and find a present that is much more than a decade old.  O.K.... I'm sure I've got some treasures in my jewelry box, but I certainly need you to stop yourself from getting stuck on the exceptions at this point or you'll miss the following NUGGETS OF KNOWLEDGE here!

I grabbed this list of "gifts" you can give your child this year that will be worth far more than the ones we strive to put under the Christmas tree.  They don't get shipped from Amazon... they can never be returned... and they definitely did not make the front page of ToysRUs.  BUT.... you will never have to worry about them breaking, your children will never grow too old to use them and while they may not make the "look what I got" list come January, your child will DEFINITELY remember them for decades to come.

  • You.  You are the best gift you can give your child.  You are his or her parent.  God specifically paired you up for the job and there is no greater treasure for a child than to have your presence be his/her present.  People always ask is it "quality or quantity" that is the best use of time with your child.  Both are required, both are needed and both will yield the highest reward.  Time is the most precious commodity because you cannot buy it back or return it...but you can invest it.

  • Words.  Proverbs 18:21 says The tongue can bring death or life; and it is true.  Words are the most powerful gift you can give your child.  Choose them well.  Build their faith in who they are with your words.  Correct in love with your words.  It's a funny little saying, but even Thumper the rabbit got it right when he said, "If you can't say something nice, don't say it at all."  A good motto that I have been taught is, "Pray, don't say!"  And there are times I slam my fist on the counter and say a quick prayer before I open my mouth because I don't want the words that I WANTED to say be words that tore my children down.... but instead, speak words that will build them up.  Growing up, we remember those words from coaches, pastors, teachers.... but most of all, parents.

  • Actions.  Do things with your children.  The wise woman who gave me the list spoke at our church last week (alright, alright, it was the world-renown Gini Smith, founding Pastor of The City Church... so if you think I just grabbed this from Letterman, now you know!) But she's speaking from a different place than where I am at.  She's raised her two children and now they are out of the house, with families of their own.  Time is precious... and so even though it seems like the only time you get to yourself is when you feign a trip to the bathroom just so you can lock the door... this too shall pass.  So take advantage of it.  I know its a bigger pain in the tail to take your kids with you as you run errands...but include them every now and then.  You get a chance to model behavior, point things out, show them the turning leaves on the trees, help them count red cars, teach them how to hold a door open for someone and much more.  I'm not Glenda the Good Witch over here...I know it means it will take longer, you'll get less done and probably have to go through a drive thru, but sometimes, if that's the only time you have to spend with them... forgo the sitter and take them along.  It doesn't always have to be errands either.... make enough time to stop by a new park, go see the ducks in the pond or share a hot cocoa at Starbucks when you are done!

  • Make plans to grow your child's heart this next coming year.  Here's my soapbox for today.  I think most people would agree that in general, a lot of us feel like the world is in a bad spot.  Yes, there is "pay it forward" and love all around..but we've become accustomed to "gloom and doom" attitude IF you allow culture to get the best of you...would you agree?  So why would we want to pass that along to our children?  If the world's a scary place, then why wouldn't we equip them to rise above?  If we know that our kids now need multivitamins, calcium supplements and organics to prevent disease when they are older, then we feed it to them...so please don't starve their souls!  Practically speaking, here are some ideas: Teach your children about gratitude, giving and helping others.  Start a gratitude journal with them and have them write in them each night.... or at least share at the dinner table or while you are tucking them in.  Take up a donation jar and have them help around the house to earn money for their favorite animal shelter or food bank.  We are not just fighting flesh and blood, but a spiritual war for our children's hearts.  However, there is very little in the "world" that will build up their "soul" muscle unless we step in and get involved. 
Oh, you didn't think you would get the whole list did you?  Besides, this blog is long enough and I guarantee you probably got 3 text messages, a Christmas gift delivered to your front door and have had your children interrupt a few times.  So get to it and I promise to give you the 2nd half tomorrow!

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